Peggy's Floral & Gift Shop, Your Local Darlington Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Darlington

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Peggys Hearts Desire
320 Main St
Wampum, PA 16157
Leave a Review
Barb HempBarb Hemp
9 months ago
Fast, and great fresh flowers and arrangements
Barbara HemphillBarbara Hemphill
last year
Great place, really fresh flowers
Joanne YoungJoanne Young
2 years ago
Beautiful arrangement for a family funeral arrangement. Great prices and very friendly owner. We recommend here that doesn't want to use the overpriced same arrangements by other local florists.
3 years ago
I live in Florida and placed an order for a flower arrangement for a funeral in Wampum. I called to make sure they received the order and asked if they would be able to provide me a photo, as I would not be able to attend the funeral. They sent me a photo when they dropped them off and WOW the flowers were absolutely gorgeous! Wonderful customer service and really kind. Highly recommended! Thank you for in a way, making me feel like I was there.


Big Beaver Elementary School
588 Friendship Rd, Darlington, PA 16115, United States
Northwestern Primary School
256 Elmwood Blvd, Darlington, PA 16115, United States
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